American Indian College Fund Native Pathways to College-12th Grade Checklist
This one page college checklist will guide you through the whole college process and help you stick with your plan to go to college.
Adult Learner Checklist from Mass EdCo
This ultimate checklist is for anyone thinking of any post-secondary training. No matter where you are in the process, this checklist can assist with addressing issues and actions that need to be taken as you prepare for higher education.
Discussing With Your Teen from Select Dakota
The information contained below is valuable information for families/parents to discuss with their teen(s). As you talk these items over, listen to your teen, be an encourager, write down the ideas and goals you and your teen discuss, help research different ideas, and be sure your teen understands the importance of college and the impact it will make on their future.
Freshman & Sophomore Timelines from Select Dakota
Each year you will need to be working through a series of steps to make sure that you have adequately prepared for your upcoming postsecondary experience. If you follow the links below you will find a series of checklists that you can use each year to ensure that your bases are covered.