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Tag: covid-daily-digest

SD SFEC Participates In Tour

SD SFEC’s Morgan VonHaden Leads SD Dept. of Ed. Staff Through DiSC Activity November 2, 2022 Black Hills Special Services Cooperative, one of SD SFEC’s

Early Learning Take and Makes

Early Learning Take and Makes Take and Makes are easy-to-use STEAM activities that families can do together. STEAM activities incorporate science, technology, engineering, arts, and/or

Digital Tools to Connect Schools & Families

Digital Tools to Connect Schools & Families   Choice Board   Screencastify, Screencast-O-Matic, or Loom EKR4P Classroom Website: Edublogs or Google Sites 83ZHI    Self-paced Slideshows:

Healthy Minds

According to the world health organization: Mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope

CELL Practice Guides for Families – Infants

Center for Early Literacy Learning Practitioner Guides for Families Infants Gestures and Signing Literacy Learning Experiences Rhymes and Sound Awareness Scribbling and Drawing Stories and

CELL Practice Guides for Families – Toddlers

Center for Early Literacy Learning Practitioner Guides for Families Toddlers Gestures and Signing Literacy Learning Experiences Rhymes and Sound Awareness Scribbling and Drawing Storytelling and

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