SD SFEC's Morgan VonHaden Leads SD Dept. of Ed. Staff Through DiSC Activity
November 2, 2022
Black Hills Special Services Cooperative, one of SD SFEC’s partners, will host the South Dakota Department of Education’s (SD DOE) Division of Learning and Instruction for an Educational Programs Tour on November 2-3. The tour is an opportunity for division staff to learn about the great education programs happening in South Dakota directly from the staff who lead them. The Fall 2022 tour will focus on programs within the Northern Black Hills area.
As part of the tour’s kickoff activities, SD SFEC Program Director Morgan VonHaden led Division of Learning and Instruction staff through an activity to better understand themselves and each other using DiSC profiles. DiSC is a personal assessment tool to better understand yourself through four personality types: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The activity was a success, with lots of laughter, connection, and reflection.
As part of the Educational Programs Tour, SD DOE staff will visit and learn about:
- Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Lead-Deadwood School District
- Black Hills State University
- Spearfish School District
- Belle Fourche School District
- BHSSC Developmental Disabilities Division (DD)