Host Your Own FamFest

What is a FamFest?
FamFest is a vibrant, hands-on kids’ fair designed to engage families, connect communities, and promote early learning and kindergarten readiness. This community-driven event unites:
- Families and children (ages 3-5)
- Local businesses and community partners
- Educational professionals
FamFests offer interactive activities and practical strategies to help families support their children’s learning journey. They can also be paired with resource fairs to connect families with essential community services and support networks. By bringing together diverse partners, FamFest creates a fun, impactful experience that strengthens connections and raises awareness of the resources available to families.
The SD Statewide Family Engagement Center is providing monetary support of up to $2,000 for South Dakota organizations or schools to host a FamFest in their community. Funds are limited, contact Darbi Hunt at for an event proposal form or more information.
To qualify for funding, your FamFest event should:
- Focus on Kindergarten Readiness: The primary audience should be children ages 3-5 and their families. While older and younger siblings are welcome to attend, the activities and messaging should be geared toward this age group.
- Engage the Entire Community: FamFest should involve not just schools and non-profits but also local for-profit businesses that actively participate and support the event. This collaboration ensures a diverse and inclusive community experience.
Resources for Hosting a FamFest
A successful event starts with a successful committee. An optimal committee number is 5-7 people representing various industries, like marketing, business, non-profits, policy makers, and education. Use the slides below to help pitch FamFest to potential partners. You can also download and edit the Overview and FAQ handouts.
Working backwards from now to event day, set dates, timelines, and priorities for accomplishing your event goals. Answer the questions of who, what, where, when, why, and, most importantly, how you will communicate and achieve it. Divide responsibilities between your committee and meet every 4-6 weeks.Â
The venue will be a critical component to your FamFest and will need to be one of the first items accomplished on your to-do list. Although families will be traveling business-to-business, they will need a start-point to collect their Passport. Consider utilizing your local library, museum, or school. Check with your city for available space that they may provide free for educational and family purposes. The date of your event may depend on your event goals, funding, and partnerships.
Your venue can be more than a start- and end- point. Use it to build community for families with food or feature a family storytime, developmental screening, Q&A panel on parent interest topics, or children’s musicians. Another great option is to partner with community agencies for a resource fair. We recommend extending the length of your FamFest to offer families enough time for both if you choose to add a resource fair.
Resources for Creating Partnerships
Family-oriented businesses, like toy stores, movie theaters, and art shops, make great stops but consider any family-friendly businesses a great option. Some businesses may want to host an activity in-store instead of passing out a Take and Make. You can either offer them suggestions or let them highlight their talents. Be sure to ask if they would like to offer any discounts or specials you can promote on the FamFest Passport.
Determine which Take and Makes (or other activities) you'd like to have at FamFest. Order materials from a reputable site at least 3 weeks before you plan to prepare them. Check with your local volunteer agency for help assembling the Take and Makes and book this assembly date well in advance.
Your FamFest Passport will inform families of participating businesses and can include any discounts, sponsorship information, and other key info.
This is a family and community engagement event. Station a volunteer at each stop to connect with families around their child’s development or to meet your event goals.
Resources for Planning and Recruiting
Use the editable template below (or create your own) to make a promotional flyer and distribute at least 6 weeks in advance of your event. Remember to share with local childcare providers, schools, community organizations and boards, and participating businesses. You can feature this in print media, and local grocery stores can place in each grocery bag, too!
Use Facebook and other social media channels to share about your FamFest. We've provided some images to use, or create your own! Keep posts brief and engaging while highlight key details. You could also create a Facebook Event or use paid advertising to boost your reach.
A press release is a written statement about your event for local media and can include 1 or 2 photos to catch media attention. Email to local listservs, media outlets, and newspapers. Don't forget to utilize your committee’s connections.
Resources for Promoting Your FamFest
It's best to communicate with participating businesses throughout the event planning process, but you will want to send out an email with logistics information 3-5 days before the event and receive confirmation the business is still participating. You can use the template below as a guide.
Coordinate with businesses to set a time to deliver the Take and Makes and the FamFest Location Sign to display in their window. Include a stamps, stickers, or markers for them to utilize on the FamFest Passport on event day.
Photo booths are an excellent way for families to remember your event for years to come. Grab a solid sheet or tablecloth for a background and either station a volunteer and polaroid here or make the photo booth it’s own stop for families to use their own cell phone to snap a pic. Create a fun hashtag and encourage families to share on social media!
You’ve worked hard for this day! Enjoy it, but know that something will probably not go as planned. Be flexible. Use your volunteers and committee to assign duties, and don’t forget to have someone document the fun!