Best Practices in South Dakota's Tribal Schools

St. Joseph Indian School
- Wraparound Services
- Spiritual and Cultural Connections & Education
- Alumni Always Thiyóšpaye (Family)
- School Teamwork & Communication Between Departments
He Dog School
2 of 7Todd County Elementary School
3 of 7Todd County High School
4 of 7Cheyenne-Eagle Butte High School
5 of 7Todd County Middle School
6 of 7Achievement School, Okreek, Klein, Littleburg, and Wanbli Wiconi Tipi
- Community Partnership: Culturally Responsive Mural
- Combining PLCs with other schools (Okreek, Klein, Middle School)
- Community-based Conferences
- Remote, Online, & Live Intervention Groups

Sharmel Olson
St. Joseph Indian School
- Wraparound Services
- Spiritual and Cultural Connections & Education
- Alumni Always Thiyóšpaye (Family)
- School Teamwork & Communication Between Departments
St. Joseph Indian School has a variety of resources available on campus to support the academic success and overall well-being of the around 200 Native American students that call the school their home. Being able to offer many services is certainly an asset to the school; however, effective communication between the various departments is necessary. The school has developed a system of communication between the Department Leaders that allows them to better understand students and collaborate on how to best support them during their stay at St. Joseph Indian School. The school is proud to have been able to retain all teachers in the last 5 years (as of 2021) partly because of this helpful communication network.
Sharmel Olson

Teana Guerue
Achievement School, Okreek, Klein, Littleburg, and Wanbli Wiconi Tipi
South Dakota Senate Bill No. 55 that passed in March 2019 required all public schools to display the national motto “In God We Trust” in a visible location. Todd County Achievement School responded to this requirement by partnering with International Fine Art Fund and the reservation’s Christian organization, White Horse Ministries, to commission renowned artist, ShenShen210, to create a mural that depicts the national motto while also honoring the local community’s cultural heritage.
- Combining PLCs with other schools (Okreek, Klein, Middle School)
Okreek, Klein and Todd County Middle School collaborated to revise their schedule to increse the PLC time they can offer their staff. The schools have aligned their Specials' Schedule so that teachers across the schools can partner for 2 hours once per week during that time. Additionally, leaders across additional schools in the area (Todd County Elementary, Rosebud Elementary, He Dog Elementary) were inspired to create an Administrator Group with the purpose of supporting, partnering and growing together.
- Community-based Conferences
The majority of our students live miles away from the school. Many families are unable to travel that distance to attend parent-teacher conferences. As a result, in 2019 the school decided to host conferences in the community students are from (Sicangu Village). Thanks to this move, more families were able to show up for their students' conference and hear about their progress. The school hopes to continue hosting conferences and other events, including concerts, in the community.
- Remote, Online, & Live Intervention Groups
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in remote learning for all students throughout the 2020-21 school year. Despite the circumstances, the school was able to meet its School Improvement Plan of supporting students in Intervention Groups based on their assessment results. School staff worked together to make these happen throughout the year, and the leadership is proud of their passion and dedication to student success.
Teana Guerue

Dana Haukass
Todd County Middle School
The Recovery Room has evolved into a space for students to take time to self-regulate, refocus, and regroup. Since we have offered this space to students, we have had a drastic reduction in office managed behavior, out of school suspensions, and in school suspensions (85%). This space has helped us keep students in school and in classrooms.
The Ohiyesa Room’s Lord of the Rinse and Hugs and Mugs programs have helped us teach students inclusion and acceptance. It has developed special relationships between our general ed. students and exceptional ed. students. The laundry service has been a way to keep students in school because having clean clothes had been a deterrent for students coming to school.
Dana Haukass